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9 Effective Ways to Reduce Stress

Lady looking over shoulder smilingFrom COVID-19 concerns to job-related stress to juggling career and family, it’s no wonder so many people are stressed out these days. As a chiropractic office, naturally, we recommend getting adjusted as an effective way to address stress.
Here are some other great ways to destress:

#1. Move More

Exercise is one of the best ways to decrease stress. Just moving your body daily can do wonders to reduce stress. You don’t have to be an avid CrossFitter doing high-intensity workouts to get the benefits. Just going for a brisk walk is an easy and low-impact way to fit some physical activity and fitness into your day. As a matter of fact, we would recommend against doing any high intensity training if you’re feeling overly stressed.

#2. Supplement Smart

There are certain supplements that can relax the body and reduce stress. These include GABA, magnesium, chamomile and valerian root. These can help relax the nervous system and may also help you sleep soundly.

#3. Cut back on the Caffeine

While it’s tempting to consume several cups of coffee daily to make it through your day, caffeine can cause anxiety. Too much caffeine, particularly if consumed after 12 p.m., also can leave you lying awake at night. We shouldn’t need caffeine to get through the day. If you can’t give it up then reducing your intake during the day is ideal. Also, instead of coffee try switching to green tea or matcha, which contain L-Theanine.

#4. Show Some Gratitude

It’s easy to take things for granted, whether it’s your family, your job or your health. One of the most empowering ways to relieve stress is gratitude journaling. By putting our thoughts down on paper we can be mindful of all of the things we have to be thankful for-which is good for the mood!

#5. Spend Time Socializing

Isolation can be stressful and even lead to depression. Getting together with others, whether it’s for a meal, to work out or to laugh over a rom-com, is good for your health and can help keep stress at bay.

#6. Practice Box Breathing

We recommend a good breathing exercise-box breathing-that’s an effective way to relax the body and mind. To do it, you inhale for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, exhale for eight seconds then hold that for four seconds and repeat. Doing that breathing for a few minutes will bring you out of that sympathetic stress response more back to that parasympathetic rest response.

#7. Get Sufficient Sleep

Are you getting the recommended eight hours of sleep each night? If you’re not you likely will not only feel worn out the next day but stressed as well. Make sure your bedroom is dark and cool and power down any digital devices at least an hour before bedtime.

#8. Eat a Healthy Diet

If you can’t pronounce it it’s not real food. We recommend eating a whole food diet-real food that you’ll find along the perimeter of your grocery store. It’s also a good idea to have variety. For example, eat with the season.

Nourishing your body with clean healthy food can help you feel your best mentally, physically and emotionally. As part of that healthy diet, it’s a good idea to limit alcohol as that can lead to depression and feeling stressed.

#9. Find “Balance” thru Boundaries

Striking the right work-life “balance” is critical. Have boundaries. These could include turning off your cell phone at dinner or not answering emails when you promised your kids you’d play. Having those proper boundaries in place can help you be happier and less stressed. Your family will thank you too.

If it’s been a while since your last adjustment, contact our practice today.

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